Monday, June 28, 2010


"NAGOYA CHARI FESTIVAL" is the bicycle event which happens 3 times in a year. Upcoming shows and events will be held between July 3rd and 4th for 2 days. They said, "We would like to tell people that riding a bicycle is not just only for pedaling toward workplace or race. We would like to present that this should be something for extraordinary fun to you and people who are not familiar with bicycle world."

They are going to organize "HARDCOURT BIKE POLO", "TRICK CONTEST" and whatever it looks fun with bikes.

PLACE : Yabacho, Nakaku, Nagoya city / WAKAMIYA ODOURI PARK

TIME : 3rd(sat) 13:00~19:00/4th(sun) 10:00~17:00

If you happen to be in AICHI pref, or NAGOYA city or wherever you are, you should come down to this huge event, and see whats up in AICHI, NAGOYA.

年3回開催とする「なごやチャリフェス」 次回は7月3-4日の2日間の開催。今回も自転車の楽しさを広く伝えたい思いから、自転車愛好家たちが開催する自転車フェスティバルです。今回はサイクリングがてらの来場を投げかけ、自転車での来場者にはノベリティを用意。そしてタイヤやサドル位置の調整など、快適かつ安全に自転車を乗っていくためのメンテナンス教室の実施。また、一般の自転車愛好家が参加するフリーマーケット、自転車ショーを開催。これら広く一般の方が楽しめる企画を用意する一方、自転車に乗ってボールを奪い合う「バイクポロ」や、特殊な専用自転車での「トリックコンテスト」など東海地区では定期開催の機会の少ない、自転車愛好家たちの為の企画も行います。


会場:名古屋市中区矢場町交差点 若宮大通公園 「若宮広場」 >>会場案内


開催時間:3日(土) 13:00~19:00/4日(日) 10:00~17:00

自転車で栄の会場まで行こう サイクリングのススメ
正しく学ぼんで快適に、安全に乗ろう じてんしゃメンテナンス教室
自転車愛好家たちによる フリーマーケット
お気軽レースゲーム チャリンコジムカーナ
観て楽しもう 各種 じてんしゃ SHOW
その他 バイクポロ、トリックコンテスト、BMXスクール など開催

・自転車イベント参加する場合のみ、参加費 500円(1日)
・フリーマーケット等出店料 2,000円(1日)
詳しくはコチラ >>フリーマーケット出店募集要項

Thursday, June 24, 2010

G-shock is the Grime-shock mang!

Here is the leader and co-founder of THE GRIME, Joey Krillz, a story in NYC as a survivor courier on the busy street everyday. Messengers love G-shock, coz its tough and correct all the time, even in a rainy day. Photos are taken by TAK.

Respect Messengers.


G-SHOCKがTHE GRIMEの親玉『ジョーイ・クリルズ』(G-SHOCKのページではクラレッツと書いてありますが、正しくはクリルズです。)のメッセンジャーとしての一日を追いかけました。写真はTAKUYA SAKAMOTOが手がけたりなど、メッセンジャーの気持ちがズンと伝わってきます。G-SHOCKはメッセンジャーにとって必需品でもあるくらい使い心地が良いものです。非常に高価でないのにも関わらず、長持ちし、とてもタフです。そんな生活いかがですか?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


COG magazine interviewed JOEY KRILLZ who is a co-founder, a leader of THE GRIME crew. He is talking about the truth and that what we are suppoed to know in these days with a passion and strong heart. Check this out mang.

COG magazineが THE GRIMEの創設者、joey krillzにインタビューしています。全部訳したいところなのですが、インターネットの状態が良くなく、ダウンロードがなかなかうまくいかずじまい。でも、まあジョイとがっつりトークしたので、また後々に報告していこーと思っています。


GRIME, Brooklyn NY from COG Magazine on Vimeo.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I got a congrats info from THE GRIME TEAM!!!

There was a trick contest in BFF NYC yesterday, and Ed Wonka THE GRIME won a 1st prize!!! here is his jump!!! suppa high mang!
and he is riding YOMANG! frame mang! this is whats up mang!

江戸ウォンカがやっちまった。ニューヨークのトリックコンテストで一番になりやがった。こりゃすげー。ものすごいジャンプだったそーだよ。俺は交差点を赤でつっこむ事しかできないけれど、ウォンカは上にジャンプしちまうんだね。そして、そのバイクはYOMANG!フレーム。自分たちで研究して作った最高作品。その最高作品を、ファミリーである私のもとへ、来る予定である。今日ジョイメンに確認したmang. ああ、早くニューヨークに住みたい。

Mike Schmitt & his friends in NYC.

Ive got this vimeo from Joey Krillz THE GRIME, and here is a short scene of what is happening in NYC and BFF shit. He says, it is getting summer time in NYC and great to ride like that. Hey, Mike! you cut your hair. Whats happening? haha. Mike Schmitt is the one who recently moved into Brooklyn from Virginia, Richmond. I am familiar with Virginia states so much since my girl lives there rite now, like Mike's girl lives. Long distance man, long distance shit.


NYC BFF 10 Antics from WRAHW on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


photo by chari&co - they are our brothers mang!

HERE are some pics from JOEY&LANCE Laboratory in Brooklyn.

The YOMANG! is 26" specific and fits up to 2.5" tires. Specifically formulated by Mike Schmitt and Wonka. Designed for optimum response and durability. Stairsets and handrails are this bikes best friend. Videos to come. 2" downtube, 1.25" toptube, dutchmaster sized mtb seatstays and philly blunt sized mtb chainstays in the sexiest S bend ever, created by some of Brooklyns best frame builders. CNC'd Hourglass integrated headtube and MID bottom bracket. Built by rippers for rippers in Bedford Stuyvesent NEW YORK. Limited GRIME GREEN colorway. Forks are 420mm and 410mm. 73 HTA 73 STA All frames ship with ANIMAL headsets BC ANIMAL is sick.


2インチのダウンチューブに、1.25インチのトップチューブ、ダッチマスターサイズのマウンテンバイク用シートステイ、そしてフィリーブラントサイズのマウンテンバイク用チェーンステイ、そして究極なセクシーさを表すS字カーブ。このセットは、そうブルックリンで一番のフレームビルダーが作っているんです。CNC加工の完全なるくびれを追求したヘッドチューブに、MID BB. 何回も言っちゃうけれど、まさにニューヨークのベッド・スタイにいる、ぶちあげフレームビルダーがつくってるんです。カラーは、グライム限定カラーのグリーン。フォークは420mmと410mm(ウォンカとマイクサイズ)。ヘッドチューブアングルは73°、シートチューブアングルは73°です。ヘッドセットとMID BBはアニマルで統一。



Ed Wonka / photo by sidecar

Mike Schmitt / photo by Prolly is not probably

Joey Krillz / photo by Prolly is not probably

If you visited here from NYC, or any places in the U.S., you have already known who THE GRIME is. So, I should not explain any of them so much rite? however, if you wanna hear Joey's words, there he goes.

The Grime, consists of, and is run by three riders from Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Richmond Virgina in the United States. Ed Wonka, Mike Schmitt, and Joe Krillz. are the founding members with other riders on the team such as Torey Thornton from Gorilla bikes and style master Jakob Santos killing in Caliofornia.

Finally a company owned by someone who rides, just like you. Someone you can e-mail, or meet at an event or even stop by the workshop in Bed Stuy Brooklyn. At every level, this project remains hands-on, exclusive, and real.

Wonka and Krillz were couriers together 4 years ago at Top Notch Courier in Manhattan and the idea sprouted. Finally we linked up with Mike Schmitt and started producing apparel right here in Brooklyn and filming some of the the most progressive and impressive trick/lifestyle videos featuring the unseen before riding style of the Grime Team killing gaps/grinds and rails.

Our originating idea was a simple one: rather than sporting a brand by someone we dont know, lets work on building something for us and for every other rider stuck in-between worlds of roadie/trickster/courier and for the newly emerging fixed/freestyle and 700cmx scene. Not every cyclist is a Keirin pro, clean cut roadie or even a courier. We represent the Gritty in-betweens of the wheeled world and want to bring you true underground NY Style. The difference between us and the big guys, is that you will see us on the street. And we will f*cking RIP it with a smile.


日本のみんなは、THE GRIMEがどのようなクルーなのか誰も全く知らないはず。ウォンカとマイクがTHE GRIMEをやっているのかと思えば実際はもう一人いる。陰の立役者。ジョイ・クリルズ。彼がリーダーとしてウォンカとマイクをまとめている。ウォンカがまだニューヨークでメッセンジャーだった頃、ジョイと師弟関係になっており、ジョイが色々と街の乗り方など、教えたという。しかし、あるとき、ウォンカがひどい事故を起こしたそうな。顎骨、肩骨、肋骨、足骨、腕骨、などをことごとく折り、死ぬか生きるかをさまよったらしい。ジョイがウォンカをすごいやつと思ったのはこの頃だそうな。なぜか?それは、死ぬか生きるかをさまよい、生きる決心をして舞い戻ってきたウォンカが言った一言が忘れられなかったらしい。“俺のバイク壊れちゃったよ。どうしよう、お金が無いよ。”生死の境目で考えていた事は、自転車のことだったと言う。このときジョイはこいつと一緒にずっと仕事をやっていくと決心したそうな。それからというもの、ウォンカはメッセンジャーをやめ、ウォンカの好きな事をやりはじめた結果、今のウォンカがいて、それをジョイが支えているという形になる。

ある日本の人たちは、THE GRIMEをこう思うだろう。“プロのライダーであり、良い生活をしているのだろう”と。





WE just use the space that is wasted by people who don't ride a bicycle.

I met Lucas Brunelle a few years ago in TOKYO for a Bike Film Festival. We talked about how we ride and survive in a heavy traffic and narrow spaces in TOKYO. I told him that we just need to get used to be in a small places, just like in San Francisco, need to get used to a huge slopy road and super down hill shit. On top of that, we more talked about the excitement of the ride in the city , and I think this is what we want to express more than a trick itself. Blood, Surviving, Hurts, and everything comes to you. What I wanna say is there is a trick world, but on the other hand, we should not forget this is the root of our bike culture.

Here is his film that I really admire.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Don't you wanna be on nationwide TV SHOW?

Heey, like I TOLD YOU!! Don't you wanna be interviewed and be on the TV SHOW??? huh???

There are some people who have already got some seats, but there aren't any for those who plan to think to buy a bicycle and start pedaling to work. So, why don't you?

click here to see how to




Nigel Sylvester and Gatorade Go All Day: The Morning Episode


We, SIDECAR people and TAK went to DAH SHOP, which Tyrone Williams owns. He is a PRO-BMX RIDER, and well known all over the world. From our hotel, DAH SHOP was really close like about 5 min walk to the east. We talked about one thing that is not able to speak out loudly, but we agreed each other what he meant.

here is a Gatorade CM and BMX film by Nigel Sylverster, and Tyrone Williams...


サイドカークルーはTAKUYA SAKAMOTOとスケジュールを合わせ、午前中に、タイロン・ウィリアムズの所有するDAH SHOPへ。彼はみんなもご存知の通り、とっても有名なBMX RIDERです。でも普通に接してくれるし、話も合うし、同じところをサバイブしている人間という感じでとても気が合いました。彼と色々爆弾的な事を話していたのですが、ひどいですね。何がひどいか御法度なので言えませんが、ひどいです。まあ、そんなこんなで、最近タイロンがBMXのオリジナルフレームを出したそうです。要チェック。あと、この下のゲーターレイドのムービーにDAH SHOPなどが映っています!タイロンももちろん。

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Squid is the ONE.

according to Joey Krillz from THE GRIME

"For anyone who isnt down with the messenger world, Squid is like the Michael Jordan of this shit and im flattered that he supports my latest endeavor the Grime. He has the Mini on his Bern Helmet, But get your 8" here. Thanks Squid!" by Joey Krillz

“メッセンジャーに精通してるやつなら誰もが知ってる人物、Squidはメッセンジャー界ではマイケル・ジョーダンみたいなやつでさ、それが嬉しいことにTHE GRIMEの本気サポートしてくれてるんだよね。ヘルメットにミニステッカーがはってあるけど、もっと大きいやつ欲しいやつはここのウェブへキャモーンイン!!。”(translation by yoshi47)


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shoot the bike thief bro.

As you see this youtube, I can tell that you are going to be really excited, aren't you?
you wanna shoot a bike thief with 10 men around.
I wanna do that.
bike thief should be punished really hard.
Lets do a paint ball, then get ready to assemble a clan to shoot them.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do you wanna be on a TV SHOW in JAPAN?

From Bicycle Ecology Japan, Sugiura asked me about this offer.

If you live in Japan, and ride a bike to work, you have a right to submit yourself to be in a TV SHOW called, "KAISHANO-HOSHI" which means, "You wanna be a brilliant star in the office? WHY NOT" or whatever....i dunno.

here is an application info that you might work on;

  2. BROADCASTING TIME : 2010. 09.05 (SUN) 00:15~00:40 midnight. NHK Education (NATION WIDE)
    A RE-BROADCASTING TIME : 2010. 09.06 (MON) 23:30~23:55 NHK Education (NATION WIDE)
    *Premier broadcast time only for TOKAI area : 2010. 09.03 (FRI) 22:00~22:25 NHK SOGO channel
  3. CONTENT : For a young generation business man or woman around 20 thru 30 years old.
    Theme will be a "BIKE TO WORK". They are going to introduce and show how you ride your bike to your work, and they offer more people who never ride a bike and let them go to work by bicycle. They are going to focus on a descent trend of BIKE TO WORK now in JAPAN.
    *THE TIME FOR RECORDING and FILMING of your personal bike life : 2010. 07.05 (MON) ~ 07.09 (FRI)
    * THE TIME FOR RECORDING and FILMING at studio : 2010. 07.17 (SAT) @ NAGOYA broadcasting studio.

  4. Looking for a person who rides to work, or would like to start off, and absolutely O.K. to be on a broadcasting for a nation wide channel.
    1) age : 20 ~ 35
    2) necessity to have a cycle helmet.

    Only if you are able to read Japanese, go onto this web site and contact BEJ chief.


    1)番組名 めざせ!会社の星『自転車通勤』

    2)放送日 平成22年9月5日(日)00:15 ~ 00:40(教育・全国)*再放送 9月6日(月)23:30 ~ 23:55(教育・全国)*先行放送 9月3日(金)22:00 ~ 22:25(総合・東海北陸)

    3)番組内容 名古屋発、20〜30代の若いビジネスマン向けの情報番組。今回のテーマは、今大ブームの『自転車通勤』。VTRで、“ツーキニスト社員”の実際の通勤風景などを紹介。これから自転車通勤をしてみたいと考える社員も一緒に。今時の自転車通勤の最新情報を伝える


    4)取材内容 現在、「自転車通勤している」または「自転車通勤を始めたい」という方で、以下の条件で、番組にご出演していただける方を探しております。





photo by TAK

ohh, I am finally able to go on the trip episode in NYC. I was really waiting for this moment though. Like some of you guys know, I used to be a courier in San Francisco and I know that city like you do, but I did not know anything about NYC scene so much.

First of all, we checked into a hotel in CHINA TOWN late at night. I had no idea where I was at...

Anyways, before Im going to tell you about what I have been through in NYC, I would like to introduce these guys first.


If you live in NYC and especially Brooklyn, you must know who these guys are. However, if you live somewhere not in the U.S. , I am going to introduce these guys from now on. You really need to check these out THE GRIME crew. I am going to anticipate to explain who they are now, then a little later on, it will come up along with the NYC trip episode.



これこそ今まさに日本に必要な精神を兼ね備えたTHE GRIMEたち。

今はLOOP MAGAZINEで、表紙になりましたが、彼らがどういう人間なのか全く分からないでしょう。



TrickJAMSeoul l 2010 from Lowangleworks_YM on Vimeo.



Tokyo Fixed

Tokyo Fixed started as a web only shop in Tokyo, 2006. We opened our shop front in the heart of London’s Soho in November 2009. We choose products from all over the world. We choose clothing not only for cycling but for cycling people. We look for small quality brands who have a passion for both style and function. The same goes for the cycle and cycle accessories brands we stock. We also specialise in building custom bikes of any style and making people’s bicycle ideas come to life. We can accept orders and commissions for custom builds from where ever you live Via our website Come check us out and let our vast array of product and expertise do the talking.

It seems they really love AKIRA, like I do. Once you visited LONDON, better to stop by their store!!!

TOKYO FIXEDは2006年に東京にてウェブショップをコンセプトに始まりました。そしてついに2009年11月にロンドンのSOHOにてお店を構える事ができるようになりました。世界中のプロダクトを集め、自転車を乗り切るための服だけではなく、オシャレに着こなせる自転車を好きな人々のためにも服を取り揃えています。機能と情熱を兼ねそろえた服、アクセサリーなどのブランドを取り扱っております。そして、お客様に合ったカスタムバイクをも作っているのです。tokyofixedgear.comからアクセスをしていただければ、どこへでもカスタムバイクをお作りする事が可能です。幅の広い商品をチェックしにきてみてください。そして、専門知識を共有しましょう!とのこと。

なんかアキラが大好きなお店だそうですよ。ロンドンによったらまずは14bikes co, そしてこのTOKYO FIXEDですね!


According FIXIKA, also known as HAKUSHAKU, presents his own HOW TO TRICK DVD called "TRICK DICTIONARY"

FIKIKA ... He is well known as "pop a wheelie prince", who is able to do a wheelie by any kinds of bikes. He is also known as weird guy. He recommends this DVD to the people who have not known the TRACK bike, kinda bored already, like to ride but don't know how to trick, and also those who think that TRACK BIKE trend is over...

If you would like to purchase this ITEM

click here

「どんな自転車でもウイリーできる人」で世界的に有名な変わりもの。ピストの世界ではけっこー名の通ったライダーです。ちょっと真面目にDVDを作ってみたのであります。まだピストを持っていない人、持っているけど飽きてきた人、乗るのは好きだけどトリックまでやる気はない人、一時のピストビームが過ぎたなーってと思っている人に最高の1本かと。トリック系ピストハウツーの決定版だぁ~! From 伯爵 a.k.a FIXIKA




As you already know who he is, we would like to present TOYDOG.

I was going to put his biography here, but seems it is perfectly prohibited since he is....

All I can tell who he is ;





Here are some VPS (Vandal Photo Squad). TAKE A LOOK AT his photos on the street. He told me that he is gonna do some more tonight somewhere in TOKYO. Don't get arrested bro!!!


今回はTOY DOGの巻






Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bike Film Festival 2010

according to yoshi47's blog, here is an explanation of Bike Film Festival 2010

about BFF

Brendt Barbur, Founding Festival Director, was compelled to start the Bicycle Film Festival when he was hit by a bus while riding his bike in New York City. He insisted on turning his negative experience into a positive one. In 2001 Barbur started the Bicycle Film Festival as a platform to celebrate the bicycle through music, art and, of course, film.

The Bicycle Film Festival has been a major catalyst for the urban bike movement, one of the most powerful and culturally relevant forces of the last decade. The BFF is sure to carry this momentum into the next decade.

and it has been 10 years since NYC started having a BFF. I think this is also a time to recognize more about this culture in JAPAN. It should be a nationwide to look at what we are doing.

Our represent yoshi47 is nominated as an ART DIRECTOR/CURATOR for BFF TOKYO 2010. We hope he will do something for JAPAN.








We finally start selling Plemons Co. double-toe-leather-strap!!!

Here is a tip for a toe strap.

from Hold Fast to Plemons

A genuine, hand-made, San Francisco, Bike Messenger Proof, and this is for an adult riders. When you are planning to go out with your girl, or your wife by bicycle, you better have it on your toe. It looks perfectly for going out wear. Especially, when your girl has a birthday and wanna go out for a good restaurant in the city, you better change it from Hold Fast to Plemons a night before, then your girl will love you more and more. In Japanese, falling love sounds "MELO-MELO!!!"

from Plemons to Hold Fast

A genuine, Military factory made, Brooklyn NYC, TRICK RIDERS proof, and this is for a super riders. When you finish your date with your girl, just take out the Plemons strap and put it one the wall like an expensive artwork. And attach a military based strap onto your pedal. Then, go out into the city then trick the people's eyes with your BUNNY HOP or whatever you like. Once some girls on a street see you jumping around, they will falling love with you easily. In Japanese, falling love sounds "MELO-MELO!!!"

Wanna buy Plemons strap?
click here


Wanna buy Hold Fast?

Go to NYC or come and stop by at SIDECAR in KARIYA city.









Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last day in San Francisco

Last day in SF was surprisingly funny moment. I mean, I am terribly sorry for what I did when the whole party got really excited and felt like we were going to drink till super late... but it did not happen because of me.

Anyways, after we came back from OAKLAND, we gathered up @ uptown first. We met mustache ROB there, and it was great to meet him since we had not met each other for a long time. I saw his bike and it still remained the same except a PINKY wheel. I called TRAVIS (Freight Baggage) to let him know where we were, but unfortunately he recently moved to Oakland and he was there... ohhh Travis, ohhh travis. After a few min, my old roommate, whose name is YAS (noa as an artist name), joined us then we moved to Bender's by walking, skating, pedaling with a full of free atmosphere.

At bender's, James' girlfriend, and Casey and his girlfriend joined us and we were talking about whatever bullshit stuff. The funniest thing is ROB was talking about how many times he took pictures of his own major in the toilet, and he showed off to everyone and it was gross, but at the same time, it was so funny that made me realize and remind who he was. I am glad that he did not even change himself anything. haha.

By the way, we found a ID card which has a Sexual Benet face on, and we were so laughing about his whatever ID though. I called him if he was coming over to join us, but somehow he called ROB and never answered. I knew that he was celebrating his girlfriend's b-day. haha. I let him do his own duty.

Yes, finally I am able to talk what I did.

I LEFT MY BAG with a Passport, wallet, and everything I need to be in the U.S. legally. I was going to give them SIDECAR stickers and I went back to a car and tried to look for my black bag, but could not even see it anywhere. I wondered, WHERE THE FUCK MY BAG AT? so, i went back to the bar if I just got too much drunk and forgot about where I put it. I was like, ahhh never mind I can find out my bag just in a sec... Don't worry everyone...However, I could not even find it anywhere at bender's.... Casey's girlfriend called UPTOWN immediately for me already and she made sure that they did not carry any.... I was like... OH MY GOSH. Even I was super drunk and hyped up, I tried to concentrate myself and trace my memory back to Oakland... finally I found it at Montano Velo. I left my bag over there and it was about midnight.... we needed to go back to Montano Velo at midnight..... I was really sorry and felt so bad that I am going to leave SF just like this. As everyone knows already who I am.... I sometimes do such a thing like that. The funniest thing was James were trying to explained how to get to the freeway and Oakland, he was super drunk like I was. So, NOTHING made any sense though. haha.

anyways, yeah i found it, i mean MR. Jason Montano found it and waited for me in front of his shop late at night.... sorry and thanks Jason.

Montano Veloにさよならを言った後、ジェームスを乗っけてサンフランシスコへ帰宅。みんなで飲もうということになり、通しか知らない古株メッセンジャーの集まり場所であるUPTOWNへ。しかし、混みようが半端ないので、昔のルームメイトであるYAS君(noa)が来た後すぐにbender'sへ。トラビス(フライトバゲージ)に電話して、来なよって言ったら、あらまトラビス最近オークランドに引っ越ししたって言い始めてさ。じゃあまた今度でって。いつになるか分かんないけれど。まあベンダーズへいって、昔良く集まってたなって感じでそりゃそっこーブルーリボンですよ。安くて、水のようなビール。仕事の終わりにはぐいぐい体に水分として入るので、サンフランシスコのメッセンジャーには愛用されてるビールです。まあごくごく飲みまくりの中、Casey Plemonsと彼女、そしてJamesの彼女ケイティーが登場。まあケイティーは美人です。ジェームスも『こんな美人で素晴らしくてパーフェクトな彼女はいない』って彼女がいないときに絶賛してたから本気なんでしょーね。その後、ひげロブが自分のうんこを毎日携帯で写真とっているってことを話しながら嘘でしょって言ってたら証拠写真がものすごくでてくるわけよ。毎日撮ってるわけよ。まあ昔のロブとまったく変わってないから嬉しかったけれどね!とりあえず、テーブル見てたらSexual BenetのIDが貼付けてあるやん。まじ笑った。たくさんある知らない野郎どものIDの中に俺がすぐベネットを探し当てたからもうみんな最高潮の気分になってしまって、ベネットにも電話かけたら、出ないし、かと思ったらロブに電話かかってきて、ロブが出たら切れるし、意味分からないまま思い出したのが、メールで彼女の誕生日だから一緒に飲めるか分かんないっていってたから、まあしょうがないってことで、みんなにサイドカーのステッカーをあげるよっ!ってカバン車の中だからもってくるねって走っていったら、かばんがねーの!どこにもねーの!酔い過ぎかと思いつつしっかりしたけれどねーの!すぐもどって、テーブルのどっかに置いてあるでしょって思ったら、ねーの!まああせることなかれ、世界のどこかに必ずあるはずだし、そんな本気ミステイクをするわけねーって思い、だんだんあせる俺.明日ニューヨークですよ。パスポート、財布、全てカバンですよ。ケイシーの彼女が今までの軌跡に対して電話かけてくれて、全部無いって確認してくれたから、もうしぼられるのは一つしかなく、それはオークランドのモンタノさんの自転車屋。記憶ががっつり合わさり、すぐさまオークランドへと思いきや、ジミージェームスが、『おい!フリーウェイの行き方を教えてやる!だから俺の話を聞け』なんつってフリーウェイとは全く違う話になり、ただの酔っぱらいトークに。俺も酔っぱらってたから、まあバカ同士の支離滅裂トークになり、最後はもうジェームスに力がなくなり、お別れ。





photo by TAK

According to NEW YORK BIKE DREAMS, TAK rode with a relay team, such as Kyle Demers, Mike Hernandez, John Igei, Suzette & our represent SINO. He says that NYC team finally handed onto London team, and then it will go to Milan, Berlin, and Paris. Live pictures are updated every 10 sec by runners cell, so check this out ---


“NIKEの提携する(RED)チャリティーイベントTIED TOGETHERに参加しました。
LACE UP SAVE LIVESと名付けられたこの赤い靴ひもは日本でもNIKE SHOPなどで購入する事が可能です。
収益の100%が(RED)世界基金に寄付されます。” by TAK

related link - 関連サイト

Monday, June 7, 2010


TIED TOGETHER is an epic journey in response to a global health crisis. Follow our teams in New York, London, Milan, Berlin, and Paris as they run for 120 consecutive hours to help fight this disease.

I just called TAK a few hours ago and I was surprised that SINO was next to him and I asked him why he is there in NYC now for what reason... and he answered that there is a huge cool event going on NEW YORK and Europe countries... Rip Zinger is also there.. haha. To know what is going on the world with my friends make me so excited, and the more i can hear it on time, the more im getting stoked. I was just wondering why there is nothing going on in JAPAN... ahhh. I am going to talk SHINO when he is coming back.

TIED TOGETHERとは世界の5カ国間にてNIKEスポンスによるエイズなど世界的な健康危機に対する撲滅運動です。そのために、各都市のマラソンランナーや、スケーター、サイクリスト、などなど色々な方々がリレー方式で街を回るのです。最終結果が楽しみですね!それも120時間ぶっとうしでリレーをするとは、前代未聞な話です。

なぜこの話題を出したかというと、ちょうど二時間程前ニューヨークのTAKに電話したところ、ちょうど今SHINO君とRIP ZINGERがニューヨークきてるよ!って驚きました。ニアミスです。そうSINO君はこのTIDE TOGETHERに参加するためにニューヨークにいるんです。とても素敵なイベントに参加できるということは友達の僕も光栄に思います。日本でもこういった素晴らしい、気持ちのよい、努力のかいがある、芯の通ったイベントをやりたいですね。7月には東京へいくので、そのとき色々とSINO君と話をしたいと思います。

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Montano Velo from OAKLAND & BROAKLAND

After we talked with Dustin at Cadence Clothing, we headed toward Oakland to see Jason at Montano Velo. We were looking for something is handmade stuff in the Bay, so we really needed to go there to check his "brOAKLAND" frame. It was a first time to see him, but I felt really comfortable with the atmosphere there. Jason, who is the owner of Montano Velo, was born in OKINAWA in Japan, and raised in Colorado, in the U.S.

Anyways, yes, I asked him about his "broakland" concepts and I totally got his idea. IRO is the first idea of broakland concept and he developed more for a stable way and produce a new geometry with great strength of its frame. It is completely order made and only if you would like to have a bike which PERFECTLY suits and fits your body, broakland will tell you how much comfortable and feels like it is a part of your body. In addition, broakland logo is made by a local famous graffiti writer and it also tells me "this is THE oakland product". I hope I am able to order broakland in the future and wanna feel a perfect matching for my body.

The thing I really admire his concept is totally related to ART world. That is why I am so into it.

We also caught up with Jimmy Jimmy James, who used to be a MASH crew, but not anymore. He represents Hunter Cycles now and also Macaframa. It was good to see him again. He was also one of my past SF courier friends, who used to ride together and work together in the city. He is the first man who helped me out on the street when I was lost in downtown. He introduced us to Montano Velo (Jason Montano).

Cadenceのスタジオを後にして、ファーガス田中と一緒にオークランドへ。ベイブリッジを渡り、約45分弱でMONTANO VELOに到着。すぐさまオーナーの13日の金曜日ジェイソンに出会い、自己紹介などなどをしました。彼の事を素晴らしいと思うのには時間はかかりませんでした。なぜかというと、自己紹介をしたすぐ後に彼は僕にこう聞きました。“一体なぜアメリカまでわざわざ出向き、そしてローカルの物を探しているのか?そして、僕の自転車に対するコンセプトとは一体なにか?”。と。僕はすぐさま熱くなってマシンガントークをぶっぱなしたら、その波に13日の金曜日ジェイソンがついてくるじゃないですか。一緒に波を乗るように話に花が咲き、とても良い時間を過ごさせていただきました。一気に緊張の糸がほどけ、何から何まで色々教えてくれたり、すぐに彼の手作りであり、とても信頼があるBROAKLANDを見せてもらいました。まさに形はIROそのもの。その理由はジェイソンが昔からIROが大好きであることからが始まりだったそうです。その中で一つだけ問題を提示して、少しずつ改良に改良を重ねて、自分の理想のフレームを作り上げたとか。それ以上に素晴らしいと思ったのが、BROAKLANDのロゴがOAKLANDで活躍するとてつもなく有名なグラフィティライターのデザインだとか。それも、毎回毎回ロゴが変わるという、珍しいグラフ好きにはたまらない一品。僕はもう天国にいるような感じで、アートにも精通したジェイソンとものすごく語り合いました。実は彼、日本の沖縄生まれ。そしてアメリカ合衆国コロラド州育ち。分け合ってオークランドにて自転車屋を親父と始めたとか。いやーアートと自転車が重なった彼のコンセプトは僕のコンセプトと同じ以上に素晴らしかったです。

色々と話をしていると、やっとのことでジミーちゃんことジェームスが到着。今はフォトグラファーとして働いている彼ですが、彼は昔MASHの一員でした。大きな理由があってMASHをやめて、今はMACAFRAMAの一員。HUNTER BIKEのスポンスをうけています。彼と知り合ったのは、やはりサンフランシスコでメッセンジャーをやっていたとき。彼が初めて僕を迷いの道から解き放してくれた人物です。その時はまだMASHも何もなかった一番面白い時代でした。実はこのMONTANO VELOを紹介してくれたのもJAMES NEWMANなのです。友達って本当に良いですよね。


Broakland Tradeshow Edit from FonsecaFilms on Vimeo.

Cadence clothing from San Francisco

2nd day

Cadence clothing also known as Dustin has his laboratory close to Haight street. A guide for 2nd day is "Fergus Liam Tanaka" who is the President of San Francisco Bike Messenger Association, and also sponsored by FUJI bike. Me and Tanaka met at one post street when he returned to the city from Philadelphia. I thought that he was totally Japanese guy, but he told me he has 2 bloods from Irish and Japanese. Anyways, since then, we have kept in touch each other. So, he guided us to Cadence Clothing NEW LABORATORY in the city and we had a great talk there. He has some new product coming up soon, and I am excited about it. Oh, by the way, look at Dustin's sweat parka. Can you see where the pocket is? It is right on his boobs and he actually announced itself as "boob sweat". I mean, his friend just told him that it seems he is grabbing his boobs when he puts his hands into it.

二日目は、サンフランシスコメッセンジャー協会の理事でもあるファーガス田中にガイドをしてもらいました。っていうかガイドというよりかただ一緒に遊ぼう的な。でもファーガスが色々手配してくれた人物も多くいて、とても助かりました。特にチューイとの出会いはファーガスが仕組んでくれたことは確かです。そこで、まずはMARIPOSAへファーガスをピックしに行き、それからCadence Clothingの新しいスタジオへ。最近サンフランシスコに拠点を移したとCadenceは言うけれど、まあもう5年くらい使ってるんじゃないかっていうくらい使ってるなっていう感じがしました。新しい商品がたくさんありました。まあ、それは置いといて、仕事は置いといて、世間話をたくさんしました。後にディーポさんからまた新しい商品をいただく予定であります。それよりも、ダスティンの服のポケットの位置がおかしいのに気づきましたか?ポケットが上のほうにあるのが最近のトレンド位置なんだけれど、ちょっとそれよりも上にあるので、手を入れていると胸をもんでいるように見えてしまうのが恥ずかしいだとか。それについて30分くらい田中と僕とダスティンでどう思うってな感じでもりあがっていました。楽しかったです。

Benny Gold from San Francisco

After I said good-bye to Chuey, we headed to Benny Gold's shop in Mission district. I was really happy to see him again, however, he seems super busy so I just said, "just wanted to say wassup since im here in San Francisco"... He opened his store a almost 2 month ago, and now he is the brand. I mean, he has been a brand, and he finally got his own shop. In addtion, we, sidecar, carry his artwork right now, which is "MASH x cinelli GREEN" frame. It is very urban taste and super fine style. If you would like to check this out, you should come to our store immediately, otherwise it will be sold soon. The reason is because it is limited edition.

チューイにお別れをした後、久々にBenny Goldに会いにいこうと思い、ついでにお店のオープンお祝いもしてこようと行ってきました。とても忙しそうにベニーは動き回っていました。僕たちもあまり時間がなかったため、挨拶とまた会おうって形で後をさりました。でも、どこからともなく現れたのが、そうベニーのデザインでMASH x cinelliの第二弾グリーンバージョンがサイドカーに入荷しました。限定1000台という(グレーも合わせて)中の第二弾です。第三弾は何色になるでしょうか?それとも第三弾もあるのでしょうか?不思議な噂が出回っておりますが、信じるは現実のみです。

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chuey Brand from San Francisco

After I talked with Sarah Murder, we stopped by Chuey Brand Studio right next to De La Paz coffee roasting factory. By the way, I think DE LA PAZ coffee is the best in the bay. Anyways, yes, we stopped by Chuey's laboratory and studio, and I finally talked with him since I knew him when I was messenger, but somehow, we did not meet each other...I don't know why, but yeah finally.. We've got his recent and latest RAINY HAT which is not sold anywhere in Japan. Coool. Would you like to see it? here is a photo that you can see up there. We carry only 2 hats, but later on we will have them more.

プッシュバイクを出た後、みんなもご存知のChuey Brandのスタジオに行きました。DE LA PAZ coffeeの本拠地が横にあるとても面白いウェアハウス。みんながシェアをして仕事をしている最高の場所。Chueyの事は昔から知っていたが、なぜか会った事がなく、実はケイシーも会った事がなく、お互い初めましてということで、しかし、僕たちはサンフランシスコで仕事をして、暮らしていたので話がとても合い、とても盛り上がりました。そしてデラパズコーヒーの人たちともとっても仲良くなりました。ケイシーもとても喜んでおり、そんな丁寧に大人な感じでお話をしている彼らを見て、心が暖かくなりました。とっても話が盛り上がりすぎて、本来の仕事を忘れてしまっていたけれど、僕たちの事をとても気に入ってくれたらしく、そして僕たちの自転車に対するコンセプトがチューイと同じであったがために、とても良い目玉商品などを僕たちに託してくれました。チューイが言うには、最近作り始めたレイニーハットということで、僕が思うに、まだ日本には入荷してないのではないでしょうか?と思われます。もし入荷してたらごめんなさい。でもチューイの言う事を信じます。そんなレイニーハットはジーンズの薄めの生地なものと、ちょっとピクニック的なカラーの二つを用意しています。刈谷にしかないチューイの最新ハットいかがですか?

Pushbike from San Francisco

After I had a lunch with Casey, we stopped by PUSHBIKE store which is known as "Best Bike Fashion" in the bay area. Click here to view the article. One of my courier friends in San Francisco, whose name is "Sarah Murder" works as an owner there. She is well known for a great bike messenger in the world. I was really glad to see her at her shop, then we talked about what's new for the bike world and about what we can do together. Here is her pushbike blog and you are able to see more about SF culture there. WORD!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Plemons Co. from San Francisco

Casey Plemons is the guy who used to be a courier together in San Francisco a few years ago. We were not close so much before, however since CMWC TOKYO happened, we got so along together so much like a brother.
First of all, sidecar crew which are me and my boss landed on San Francisco 2 weeks ago, and he was the one who we met first on that day. We visited to his house and office and talked about good old days together. Sidecar currently carries his shoe straps and we will import his new stuff more later on such as U-lock holder...or we might collaborate together to create something we need for the most. I respect him and his girlfriend. This is one of handmade bike accessories in San Francisco. I love this product and I am using it now.
