Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do you wanna be on a TV SHOW in JAPAN?

From Bicycle Ecology Japan, Sugiura asked me about this offer.

If you live in Japan, and ride a bike to work, you have a right to submit yourself to be in a TV SHOW called, "KAISHANO-HOSHI" which means, "You wanna be a brilliant star in the office? WHY NOT" or whatever....i dunno.

here is an application info that you might work on;

  2. BROADCASTING TIME : 2010. 09.05 (SUN) 00:15~00:40 midnight. NHK Education (NATION WIDE)
    A RE-BROADCASTING TIME : 2010. 09.06 (MON) 23:30~23:55 NHK Education (NATION WIDE)
    *Premier broadcast time only for TOKAI area : 2010. 09.03 (FRI) 22:00~22:25 NHK SOGO channel
  3. CONTENT : For a young generation business man or woman around 20 thru 30 years old.
    Theme will be a "BIKE TO WORK". They are going to introduce and show how you ride your bike to your work, and they offer more people who never ride a bike and let them go to work by bicycle. They are going to focus on a descent trend of BIKE TO WORK now in JAPAN.
    *THE TIME FOR RECORDING and FILMING of your personal bike life : 2010. 07.05 (MON) ~ 07.09 (FRI)
    * THE TIME FOR RECORDING and FILMING at studio : 2010. 07.17 (SAT) @ NAGOYA broadcasting studio.

  4. Looking for a person who rides to work, or would like to start off, and absolutely O.K. to be on a broadcasting for a nation wide channel.
    1) age : 20 ~ 35
    2) necessity to have a cycle helmet.

    Only if you are able to read Japanese, go onto this web site and contact BEJ chief.


    1)番組名 めざせ!会社の星『自転車通勤』

    2)放送日 平成22年9月5日(日)00:15 ~ 00:40(教育・全国)*再放送 9月6日(月)23:30 ~ 23:55(教育・全国)*先行放送 9月3日(金)22:00 ~ 22:25(総合・東海北陸)

    3)番組内容 名古屋発、20〜30代の若いビジネスマン向けの情報番組。今回のテーマは、今大ブームの『自転車通勤』。VTRで、“ツーキニスト社員”の実際の通勤風景などを紹介。これから自転車通勤をしてみたいと考える社員も一緒に。今時の自転車通勤の最新情報を伝える


    4)取材内容 現在、「自転車通勤している」または「自転車通勤を始めたい」という方で、以下の条件で、番組にご出演していただける方を探しております。




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