Sunday, June 20, 2010


Ed Wonka / photo by sidecar

Mike Schmitt / photo by Prolly is not probably

Joey Krillz / photo by Prolly is not probably

If you visited here from NYC, or any places in the U.S., you have already known who THE GRIME is. So, I should not explain any of them so much rite? however, if you wanna hear Joey's words, there he goes.

The Grime, consists of, and is run by three riders from Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Richmond Virgina in the United States. Ed Wonka, Mike Schmitt, and Joe Krillz. are the founding members with other riders on the team such as Torey Thornton from Gorilla bikes and style master Jakob Santos killing in Caliofornia.

Finally a company owned by someone who rides, just like you. Someone you can e-mail, or meet at an event or even stop by the workshop in Bed Stuy Brooklyn. At every level, this project remains hands-on, exclusive, and real.

Wonka and Krillz were couriers together 4 years ago at Top Notch Courier in Manhattan and the idea sprouted. Finally we linked up with Mike Schmitt and started producing apparel right here in Brooklyn and filming some of the the most progressive and impressive trick/lifestyle videos featuring the unseen before riding style of the Grime Team killing gaps/grinds and rails.

Our originating idea was a simple one: rather than sporting a brand by someone we dont know, lets work on building something for us and for every other rider stuck in-between worlds of roadie/trickster/courier and for the newly emerging fixed/freestyle and 700cmx scene. Not every cyclist is a Keirin pro, clean cut roadie or even a courier. We represent the Gritty in-betweens of the wheeled world and want to bring you true underground NY Style. The difference between us and the big guys, is that you will see us on the street. And we will f*cking RIP it with a smile.


日本のみんなは、THE GRIMEがどのようなクルーなのか誰も全く知らないはず。ウォンカとマイクがTHE GRIMEをやっているのかと思えば実際はもう一人いる。陰の立役者。ジョイ・クリルズ。彼がリーダーとしてウォンカとマイクをまとめている。ウォンカがまだニューヨークでメッセンジャーだった頃、ジョイと師弟関係になっており、ジョイが色々と街の乗り方など、教えたという。しかし、あるとき、ウォンカがひどい事故を起こしたそうな。顎骨、肩骨、肋骨、足骨、腕骨、などをことごとく折り、死ぬか生きるかをさまよったらしい。ジョイがウォンカをすごいやつと思ったのはこの頃だそうな。なぜか?それは、死ぬか生きるかをさまよい、生きる決心をして舞い戻ってきたウォンカが言った一言が忘れられなかったらしい。“俺のバイク壊れちゃったよ。どうしよう、お金が無いよ。”生死の境目で考えていた事は、自転車のことだったと言う。このときジョイはこいつと一緒にずっと仕事をやっていくと決心したそうな。それからというもの、ウォンカはメッセンジャーをやめ、ウォンカの好きな事をやりはじめた結果、今のウォンカがいて、それをジョイが支えているという形になる。

ある日本の人たちは、THE GRIMEをこう思うだろう。“プロのライダーであり、良い生活をしているのだろう”と。





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